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Privacy Policy

Information note pursuant to article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/03

Pursuant to and in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, No. 196 (Code regarding the protection of personal data), we inform you that the personal data that you have voluntarily provided will be used in compliance with current regulations governing the protection of personal data and in accordance with the principles of confidentiality central to all the Company's activities:

1. Purposes of the data processing

The personal data you make available to Farman Communication will be used: (a) to allow for and manage your registration on the Website, (b) for the management and execution of your purchase orders and/or proposed purchase of our products and/or provision of services related to the sale; (c) to send you information and business communications, including of a promotional nature, (including our newsletter), advertising material and/or product offers, by any means (known or unknown), including but not limited to, post, Internet, telephone, e-mail, MMS, SMS by physical and legal entities contractually bound to Farman Communication and/or which collaborate in the business of Farman Communication in any way; (d) for the production of statistical and market surveys and research, and for the analysis of consumers’ tastes, preferences, habits, needs and choices by Farman Communication

2. Data processing procedures

The processing of your personal data will be carried out using suitable paper, electronic and/or IT media, by procedures appropriate to the purposes stated above, and in all cases in such a manner as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

3. Provision of data and consequences of refusal to provide data

With reference to the purposes indicated in paragraph 1 points (a) and (b) above, the provision of personal data is obligatory. Any refusal by you to provide such details and/or the provision of false and/or incomplete information will prevent:

– your registration on the Website;

– the management and execution of your purchase orders and/or proposed purchase of our products and/or provision of services related to the sale.

With reference to the additional purposes indicated in the section above. 1 points (c) and (d), the provision of your personal data is optional. However, any refusal by you to provide such details and/or the provision of false and/or incomplete information may:

– prevent the performance of marketing activities;

– prevent the performance of profiling activities.

4. Communication of data

Your personal data may be disclosed, in addition to those in charge of processing the personal data appointed by the Company in the exercise of their functions, to any qualified persons, such as direct marketing companies, call centres, all specifically appointed as those externally in charge of processing data that provide Maikii Srl with the services necessary for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1.

5. Disclosure of data

Your personal data will not be disclosed.

6. Rights of the interested party

With regard to the aforesaid use of your personal data, you are entitled to exercise your rights as envisaged by art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree of 30 June 2003, No. 196. For your convenience, the full text of this article is as follows:

Italian Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003.



1. The interested party is entitled to obtain confirmation as to whether or not the personal data relating to him/her are held, even if they have not yet been recorded, and the communication of the same in an intelligible form.

2. The interested party is entitled to obtain the following information:

a) the origin of the personal data;

b) the purposes and procedures of use of the data;

c) the logic applied in case of electronic processing of the data;

d) the identity of the data controller, the trustees and the representative designated under article 5, subsection 2;

e) the subjects or categories of subjects to which the personal data may be provided or which may become aware of the same as designated representative, within the State, trustees or appointees.

3. The interested party is entitled to obtain:

a) the updating, correction and, when this is in his/her interest, the integration of the data;

b) the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or freezing of data used in breach of the law, including those for which the conservation is not necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently used;

c) the certification that the amendment and deletion operations as per points a) and b) have been reported, also with regard to their contents, to those to whom the data have been communicated or distributed, unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

4. The interested party is entitled to oppose, completely or partially:

a) the use of the personal data relating to him/her, for legitimate reasons, even if such use is relevant to the purposes for which they were collected;

b) the use of personal data relating to him/her for the dispatch of advertising or mail order sales material, or for the performance of market research or business communications.

7. Data Controller and Data Trustee

The data controller with regard to the personal data is

2 Rue Leon Patoux,
51664 Reims

For sending information and business communications, including of a promotional nature, (including our newsletter), advertising material and/or product and service offers, by any means (known or unknown), including but not limited to, post, Internet, telephone, e-mail, MMS, SMS by physical and legal entities contractually bound to Farman Communication and/or which collaborate in the business of Farman Communication (specifically appointed as those externally in charge of the data processing).


Delivery days2

Dimensions5,9 × 5,9 × 5,1 cm

Printing Area3,0 × 2,0 cm + 3,0 × 2,0 cm + 3,0 × 2,0 cm + 3,0 × 2,0 cm

CE cert-1568
3 Watt Bluetooth speaker in wheat fibre with water resistant silicone base. On the silicone base there are the buttons for switching on and managing the songs and, on the opposite side, the micro USB port (for connecting the cable for charging) and a slot for the memory card. Everything is protected by a silicone tongue that prevents splashes of water or humidity from ruining the speaker. The internal rechargeable battery has a capacity of 300 mAh and an autonomy of about 3 hours of listening. Once connected to your smartphone or other device, Bluetooth 5.0 ensures a range of 10 metres. A bright LED visible on all four sides indicates when the speaker is in operation. The wheat fibre of which the body is made is an eco-sustainable material resulting from the assembly of ABS and natural fibre from agricultural crops. The natural colours in shades of beige and brown recall this composition. The use of this material limits the use of industrial plastic to a minimum and contributes to the circular recycling of food waste. The speaker can be customised on four sides with the company logo in digital printing. Another strong point is the delivery time: it is shipped from our premises within 24/48 hours from order confirmation.
3Watt   + 7,66 €
Wheat   + 0,00 €